
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who Am I?

Hi girls,

I was doing a personality test online to figure it out what kind a person i am so i can share to readers the real me.

First, Here's the link for your references :

So the result for my 1st personality (Introvert/ Extrovert) is EXTROVERT. Here i quote the meaning "Extraversion is a preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extraverts enjoy social interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, verbal, assertive, and animated. They enjoy large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extraverts are likely to enjoy time spent with people and find themselves energized by social interaction. " (my personality - info)

Extravert Characteristics
  • Gregarious
  • Assertive
  • Talkative
  • Social/outgoing
  • Likes groups, parties, etc.
  • Energized by interaction
  • Expressive & enthusiastic
  • Volunteers personal information
  • Distractable
  • Has many friends
  • Easy to approach 
As an extrovert, it is true that i'm such an adaptable person who loves to interact / communicate with people even strangers. I'm the one who can talk or speak up for my self or others. In any situation, i can easily live and stand out. Lots of people love to be surrounded by me. Inside of any groups, it is easy for me to host the party or make a ALIVE situation. I have a lot of friends and enjoy being with my friends and people i love. I love to state my opinion loudly to others and not afraid to tell people about my feeling. 

I found out that there's another test to find out about my personality, There's a four tempraments such as : sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic. I joined the test and the result for the test is i am a SANGUINE - MELANCHOLY

I quoted Sanguine personality as below :
"Sanguine personality is affected by chemical called dopamine, which makes these people intensely curious and creative. Their curiosity can be expressed in their love for reading and different kinds of knowledge. They possess high amounts of energy, so they may seem restless and spontaneous. This type loves luxury. They like to impress others by their expensive clothes, designer accessories and sport cars. If choleric people thrive on money-making process itself, sanguine people know how to enjoy money, luxury and comfort like nobody else. They are big spenders. When given the ability to have anything they want, they will travel the world staying in splendid hotels, enjoying exciting safaris and luxury cruises, deriving full happiness and pleasure from their wealth. They will indulge in their rich, comfortable and sumptuous living effectively ignoring world problems and crises.
Sanguines are willing to take risks for the sake of pursuit of their numerous interests. These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing. Their constant cravings for adventure and novelty are the major motivating force behind their actions, decisions and choices.
People with sanguine personality adapt easily and generally can play many roles. Buoyant, lively and optimistic, they absolutely charm others. Their need of variety and luxury explains why they prefer to live in big cities where they can satisfy their desires much easier.
Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom. Routine jobs, repetitive experiences, boring companions annoy and irritate them. They avoid routine and monotony at all costs. In fact they love interruptions, because they get energized during these small changes in course.
These people are impulsive. They often can’t control their cravings and may struggle with weight. More than any other type this temperament is more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and risky sex. Their spontaneity reflects in last-minute plans and moments of intellectual discovery.
Sanguine people are usually more creative than other types, be it poetry, music, theater, art, business or cooking. Sadly, they are also most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions and mood disorders.
This personality type is characterized by curiosity and wide range of interests. They seem to be hungry for knowledge. Some of them are walking encyclopedias, while some others visit almost every known country in the world. Many stay in school years and years after their peers have graduated. They will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting. They often end up having several degrees." (sari.liem)
So based on the sanguine quotes and definition. It is TRUE that i'm a CREATIVE person. I am an imaginative woman who always came up with IDEAS and easily get bored with rutinity. I believe that i can rule the world because i am an optimistic person who never missed any opportunity that been given to me.

I am a big spenders, i am a branded junkie plus a makeup & fashion addict. For me, looking good for yourself is A MUST! I spent most of my money for shopping all branded items. My favorite brand for clothes & Bags : ZARA, Forever 21, Mango, Pull& Bear, Cotton On, H&M, Primark, and all others street fashion from west, you named it  ! I also spent my quids to SHOES and i always in love with this fancy brand ALDO or even the comfy affordable brand Charles & Keith.  Wallet & Watch i always be loyal to : FOSSIL

For make up, i trust these branded product : MAKE UP FOREVER, MAC, Bobbi  Brown, Urban Decay, Sephora, Soap & Glory and spend once-twice a  month to buy this products. Such a spender i know, that what my closest person always said :-)

I'm not only a sanguine but also the result came with MELANCHOLY

 Here i quoted Melancholy :
"A Melancholy Person is creative, respectful, analytical, and thoughtful. The most appropriate word for you is ‘thinker’. Unlike the extroverts, you are very careful with your actions because you’re sensitive to their needs. These are your strengths. But you see, the coins have two sides and so if you have strengths, you also have weaknesses.
As the word suggests, you are very moody. There are times when you feel happy but then after a couple of minutes, you feel depressed or sad. Melancholy personalities have the tendency to be suspicious, critical, and pessimistic. Others won’t find it easy to please you because you’re always fuzzy with the details. Still, you can create lasting friendships.
Striving for perfection is not wrong but there are times when you expect too much from others because of your ‘perfectionist’ attitude. You need to realize that not all people are like you so you have to accept them for who they are.  The lives of melancholy persons are usually in order and their creativity shows in their everyday work. In terms of friendship, you are self sacrificing which means that your loyalty is unending.
Among your positive traits are serious, purposeful, musical, artistic, talented, conscientious, idealistic, poetic, philosophical, and genius prone. Once you establish your own family, you usually set high standards and you want everything to be done right. The home is always in proper order. It is also common for parents having this personality to encourage talent and scholarship. The melancholy personality is also willing to sacrifice for their children’s well being.
Your employer believes in you because you tend to be schedule oriented. You have high standard, keeps things organized, economical, tidy, neat, detail conscious, and is able to identify creative solutions with ease. However, you are not a people-oriented person and hesitate to begin new projects. You also need constant approval from your employer to ensure that you’re on the right track. Consuming too much time with the planning aspect can be a waste of time and effort especially when others were able to finish ahead of you.
You find it very easy to make friends although you are extra cautious. You don’t want to cause too much attention since you would rather prefer to stay in the background. Your friends adore you and usually depend on you to help them solve your problems. Among the negative attitudes that are seen in melancholy people are socially insecure, skeptical, remote, withdrawn, and don’t want to be opposed."

Well this is another personality that quiet opposite from the first one. Well, here's the truth for my weaknesses. I am very moody. I'm not that thinker as for me i will just enjoy my life and day easily as an extrovert. But some parts are true. I can change my mood easily and when people goes wrong somehow my critical personality stand up. I am being a person who needs details and because i'm a lil bit perfectionist so i have my own standart that people need to achieve at some point, i can be so  suspicious, critical, and pessimistic. It is not an over-reacted, it's just my other personality that i born this way.

I am not proud telling my weeknesses and day by day im learning to change the bad parts. Eventho, somehow there will be always bad side like its quoted "the coins have two sides and also the people that has good side/bad side" and i still have bad side too. But most of the time, i am a lovely adaptable person if someone knows me enough they know what's to do. Actually, it is simple to be me and i expect someone as simple as me that understand my personality so know how to react. I hate liars or unfaithful person cos i always respect people and i always tell the truth and be open and im self sacrificing which means that my loyalty is unending. I dont expect people to be me but if they KNOW and RESPECT  me, i believe i will RESPECT them more. ;)

Cheerioooooooo.... Love, G

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hi girls, 

Here's time for KRYOLAN Lip Rouge Palette review. I love love love this products because the colors stay on the lip for ages and has longevity. I also love the swatches and it's an affordable professional make up.

Kryolan Lip Rouge Palette - Made in German ;) IDR 175,000 - Ps. Baru
Check the swatches.

 They have an amazing 6 colours in this pallete. You can check one-by-one. Pink, Red, Nude, Dark Red, Brown, Light Brown. The good point from this lip palette is the colour stays on the lip and blend with the natural lip colour. I always use this pallete with my clients, and no matter the skin colour / size of lip, the colour will just fit perfectly. This lip rouge will only stay on for 3-4 hours (half day). It's good for a photo-shoot or short-time party but not recommended for a 24 hours glam-look. 

AG 2 - Light Pink
AG 10 - Nude
AG 08 - Red
OG 04 - Light Brown
OG 12 - Dark Brown

 Above are the swatches i tried on my lip ( I know its only 5 colous, Suppose to be 6 but i think i deleted the other one accidentally. Sorry about that but its a dark red colour and its a BOLD colour. The light pink & nude colour give a skinny lip effect. While other colours show the boldness and brave tone on my lip. Like what i said, It is good for any occasions / make up look. It's also quiet affordable for 6 colours in one pallete.

So, have a TRY :-) and trust me its worth a try ohhh and not to mention i have the palette for a year and the quality still good no smell and no run out for a year. Good luck ! Don't forget to leave comment :-)

Cheers.... Love--G